The Asia Pacific Conservative Union begins activities
February 24, 2018, the APCU concept was announced on the main stage of CPAC.
KCU (Korean Conservative Union) established
June 2018, Korean Conservative Union was established in Seoul.
APCU’s board members decided
August 18, 2018, APCU’s board members were adopted in Washington D.C.
Cryptocurrency Being Publicly Criticized by Prominent Figures _ APCU_News_20190718
◇ Cryptocurrency Being Publicly Criticized by Prominent Figures
仮想通貨が槍玉に挙げられている_ APCU_News_20190718
◇仮想通貨が要人や公の場で槍玉に挙げられているMassive Leakage of Cryptocurrencies Occurs Again _ APCU_News_20190717
◇ Massive Leakage of Cryptocurrencies Occurs Againまた仮想通貨が大量流出_ APCU_News_20190717
◇また仮想通貨が大量流出APCU News Letter 20190418 ブロックチェーンと今後の課題
Conservative Political Action Conference

APCU is engaged in a wide variety of activities including supporting the establishment of Conservative Unions and supporting holding CPAC in various countries, establishing APCU’s unique thinktanks, establishing conservative media with a worldwide network, and planning and implementation of entertainment strategies.